Over 100 hours of training in advance linguistic concepts, values, meta-programs, psychometric assessments, spiral dynamics, hypnosis, time-based techniques, and much more.
Emotional Empowerment through techniques of NLP that I call Emotional ATM can enable a person to choose and be in the emotional state he or she desires. So, we effectively move a step further from being Emotional Intelligent to being “Emotionally Empowered”.
So, what is Neuro Linguistic Programming, really? Is it a set of those techniques you see on so many YouTube channels, is it a manipulative technique that some NLP baiters speak of and some people even go on to call it pseudo-science…What is it?
Hypnosis is a phenomenon with which we are all quite familiar, and certainly, the majority of us are amenable to hypnotic induction at the hands of an operator, or hypnotist.
One thing that I have experienced is that the Law of Attraction does not work on its own, so, if you think that just by thinking and visualizing and sticking a picture of e-class will get you that car then forget it.
Leadership is about people! Managers manage processes, often dealing in the here and now, whilst a Leader deals with people, vision and the future. How can NLP help with this? let’s take a look at some of the areas of NLP that can make a difference.
Can you imagine getting out of bed to look forward to an exciting Monday at work, full of energy and motivation? Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP believes in and works on unlimited human potential, and it can do it for you…
We in our lives have been haunted by the Bell, I am talking of bell curve that most statisticians are proud of. They find it comforting in dividing the population into the groups of below average, average (or as some call them normal) and above average (they are at times called abnormal as they do […]
Thousands of teenagers across the UK will have school lessons in mindfulness in an experiment designed to see if it can protect against mental illness.
The first level of self-development is called sensoriphysical structure; it is the structure that deals with the material component, sensation and perception. An infant is primarily at this level with the start of understanding and development of senses and perceptions.
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To thrive in the long run, businesses—particularly the men and women at the forefront—must put innovation on priority and create a culture that challenges the status quo, encourages risk-taking, and calls on everyone to be creative thinkers.
Over 100 hours of training in advance linguistic concepts, values, meta-programs, psychometric assessments, spiral dynamics, hypnosis, time-based techniques, and much more.
Emotional Empowerment through techniques of NLP that I call Emotional ATM can enable a person to choose and be in the emotional state he or she desires. So, we effectively move a step further from being Emotional Intelligent to being “Emotionally Empowered”.
So, what is Neuro Linguistic Programming, really? Is it a set of those techniques you see on so many YouTube channels, is it a manipulative technique that some NLP baiters speak of and some people even go on to call it pseudo-science…What is it?